Sunday, January 20, 2008

Celebrity Profile: Ryan Ross

Ahh, a brand new celebrity profile! This time the victim (heheheh!) is Mr. Ryan Ross!
Right now probably isn't a good time for me to profile him, seeing as he is probably the one behind Panic!* At the Disco's secrecy regarding their new album, Pretty. Odd., and I am very angry about it all, but we'll see how we go...

Full Name: George Ryan Ross
AKA: Ryan Ross, Ryan, Ry, RyRo. Also notable is his bandmate, Brendon, and his occasional "slash" name - Rydon Dirteh. Teeheeheee! Those crazy fanfic writers!
D.O.B: 30th August 1986 (age 21)
Signifigant Achievements: Plays guitar and writes lyrics for band Panic!* At the Disco, does eye make-up rather well for a (disputed) male, is friends with Pete Wentz (if you can call that signifigant).
Not-so-signifigant Achievements: Dating internet "celebrity" (and "model") Jac Vanek, who reportedly cheated on him (dieeee!). He later said about her "saying you're a model/photographer with a digital camera and photoshop does not count you as an artist". Ouch! He's now apparantly dating some chick named Keltie Colleen, who seems nice, and jumped out of a cake at his 21st birthday party (hilarious photo ahoy!).
Stalker Rating: Moderately High - Although he doesn't have the paparazzi on his back at all times, we can all pretty much agree that he is one gorgeous dude. Even I would probably want to have his babies if I weren't against procreation, and I'm totally anti-fangirl.
"How can I become one of the said stalkers?": He's a bit hard to catch these days, but you might be able to read some of his blogs on when it gets back up from being all puzzle-like.
Other (un)Nessecary Information:
Ryan plays a guest guitar solo in Fall Out Boy's song The Take Over, The Break's Over, on their album Infinity On High.
Also, click here to witness Pete Wentz dressed up as Ryan Ross for Halloween. Hm.
Photographic Evidence:
Ryan Ross - Photo Hosted at FriendsOrEnemies
"Oldschool" Ryan Ross plays guitar, wears hidious iconic rose vest, and makes funny facial expression, all at the same time!

*although P!ATD have taken away the "!" from their name, I am keeping it there as a form of protest.

1 comment:

Laura said...

His eye make-up in the photo looks WICKED. (Wicked being cool, btw)