Friday, January 25, 2008

Movie Review... =]

I saw three movies on the holidays. And I'll be reviewing them all. (Even if Miri has already reviewed one of them..)

I walked into the cinema with no idea what this movie was about. I went to see it with my cousin.
It was so good. Like a chick flick but with comedy.
About: A girl named Jane who loves weddings. She is the maid of honour/bridesmaid for 27 weddings so she has 27 different dresses. Then her sister comes to New York, steals Jane's dream guy and gets married. Watch it to find out more. No spoilers available.
Starring: Katherine Heigl
Useless Information: Jane falls in love with a guy called Kevin. Everytime they said 'Kevin,' in my head, I was like, "KEVIN '07!!!"

I saw this movie 'cause Alvin and Chipmunks wasn't running that day.
Starring: Will Smith (I think)
About: Some guy who finds a cure for cancer and wakes up one morning being the only one alive.
Useless Info: Will Smith knows EVERY line in Shrek. So do I. Coincidence?
And this movie has SO much action, horror and thrills in it that I had my eyes shut fro pretty much the WHOLE freaking movie..

My favourite movie out of the three. X]
Voices: Jesse McCartney as Theodore.
About: A guy who writes songs but can't find a singer. Then he discovers three chipmunks who cbf storing food for winter so they live with this guy and help him with his music career.
Useless Info: Theodore is adorable. And the other chipmunks are Simon and Alvin. And it is SO freaking funny. X]


Anonymous said...

Oh, I loved 27 Dresses and I Am Legend. Haven't seen Alvin & the Chipmunks, rofl.
Hey Laura! (You were our only friend! Bahahah). Have you seen Juno?
Come see it with me before the holidays end? :D!

Laura said...

No, I haven't seen Juno. =]

And I have ABSOLUTELY no idea what it's about. But I'll see it with you... X]

Anonymous said...

It's meant to be reaaaally funny.
When d'you wanna see it? :D.
We can totally write a joint review xD!

Laura said...

I don't mind. I'm free any day.. X]

Anonymous said...

Let's go tomorrow!
We should probably talk on MSN instead of commenting here, but ohwell xD.

Laura said...

Yeah. MSN would be a little more private..