Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Most interesting thing that happened:
Worms. And more worms. And a whole video on a dude who swallowed a worm.

Worst thing that happened:
I have to do a power point on TAXES! Eek.

Funny/Amusing segment:
Corey's new name is GED. Gigantic Eyebrows of Doom.

Song that was stuck in my head:
Tribute by Tenacious D
Nay, we are but men ROCK!

What I had for lunch:
Chicken and Lettuce Roll. Same as usual.

Something I sucked at today:
Badminton. Oh dear, I couldn't even serve. Twas horrible.

Someone I love:
You'll never guess. DALE THOMAS!

The person who is most likely coming with me to the semi-formal:
A hobo picked up from the bus stop. Oh yeah.

The blog I like the best:
A tie between Jack Heath's and Mary Kiley's.

Query of the day:
How could you tell the difference between fettuccine and a tapeworm?

Food I'm never eating again:
In the video we watched today, the guy was like, "This is fettucine and this is a tapeworm." And they looked the same! Argh.

Person that I'm smarter than:
Bridgette. From Big Brother.
I'm not the smartest person in the world but I'm smarter than this chick.
Except I love Sparkles. If I were in the Big Brother house, I'd bring in a soft toy and hug it all day. X]

Scary thought:
Exams are coming soon..

Best thing that happened:
I didn't have Maths today. Hehe.

Unreal headline I read today:
"Corey is not a moron says his mum."
His mum wasn't thinking straight when she said that.

Weird picture I've seen today:
Imagine you are drunk and run to the toilet. And you opened the door and saw this -
The floor is painted on... =|

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