Saturday, July 19, 2008


Hi fellow bloggers. Sup?
I watched FNL last night. Bree cried at the end. It was sad. I was like, "Poor Bree. She doesn't deserve to lose her job."
And then I felt bad because when I found out BB was getting axed, I laughed and celebrated. I never stopped to think about people losing their jobs. Like Bree. And the ninjas. This is all Kyle and Jackie O's fault. Damn you!!! (Okay, Jackie O, I won't blame you.)

Anyway, I'm glad Big Brother is axed. But I feel sorry for Bree. *hugs*
I'm going to miss Bree and Mike and of course, Fitzy.

Oh crap. I just mourned the loss of Big Brother. Well, not really Big Brother. I just like the ninjas and Bree. And Mike and Fitzy. X]

I want to take a ninja home. Do you think Big Brother was let me have one? Could you imagine me coming home with a ninja? It would be like:

Me: Hey, Mum. I just brought Ginger Ninja home.
Mum: Uh, okay.
Me: He's really cool!
Mum: Um. I see. *has no idea who Ginger Ninja is*

Yeah. Great conversation. I want Nigel the ninja and Ginger Ninja. And all the others too. (I don't know their names). And I'll have Bree. We can eat cheese all day. ^_^

Rory won FNL. And they slimed his 15 year old brother accidentally. But his brother was pretty cute. Cuter than Rory. But Rory isn't cute at all. He's ugly. X[

Collingwood lost to the Kangaroos yesterday. *sniff*
Dale Thomas kicked NO goals (which disappointed me) but I did manage to find a ~weird picture.
He is flying. It looks funny. Dale Thomas looks like he is flying. ^_^

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