Monday, July 14, 2008


Hey guys.
Elmo is cool. X]

Anyway, I watched Rove yesterday. Exciting. Carrie Bickmore was like, "I love i-Phones because you can check the weather. And to think I spent all these years looking out the window..."
She's so clever. I want to be clever so I can say funny stuff like that.

The Simpsons is on Tuesday. And Futurama is on Thursday. Oh and The Amazing Race (go Kynt & Vyxsin) is on Thursday as well. And guess what? Big Brother is ending soon!!! *excited*

Next Monday will be the happiest day of my life. Hopefully Futurama will be on at 7 pm weekdays. That would be fawesome. It would get more ratings than Big Brother. Wait, everything gets more ratings than Big Brother. Including My Kid's A Star and The Bold and the Beautiful.

I'd rather watch Neighbours than watch Big Brother. Well, everyone would say that. Only because Neighbours is popular. =]

My friend told me today that Big Brother is getting axed. Oh my god. That is the best news ever. Even better than last week when another of my friends texted me to say that Brigitte had left the house. My day has gotten a whole lot better. *dies of excitement*

So, Gretel Killeen will be sitting at home laughing. She'll be like, "Mwah ha ha. Serves them right for axing me.." It would hilarious if Australian Idol got axed too. They would be like, "Australian Idol has been axed and it wasn't because we added another host!"

And Mark Holden would be sitting at home in his boxers going, "Oh yeah! Serves those bastards right for axing me! I shizzled their fizzles!"
Now, that would be funny.

I'd better go now. Is anyone else excited that there will be no more Big Brother this year?!

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