Monday, July 21, 2008


Wow. It is good to be Catholic. I get a day off school. Thank you, Jesus! X]

I watched Rove last night. Carrie Bickmore is fawesome. Hamish and Andy were funny. I actually prefer the ghosting stuff but anyway. They should have come to my house and partied with me. That would be SO cool.

The CommSec guy is funny. I can't spell his surname so I won't even try.

Ryan Shelton is also funny. I would want to do work experience at Rove. I'd be like Carrie. Or Pete. Actually, I'd want to ghost Hamish. X]

I'm seeing the Dark Knight today. The Heath Ledger film. It MUST be a good movie because it has a "Heath" in it.

I read the TV Week blog. Poor Alice. She didn't deserve to go. She was the smart one. THE SMART ONE. /moan
But luckily Travis left. When I read that on the blog, I jumped up in delight. I don't even watch the show but on the opening night, I was like, "I don't want Travis to win. His voice is lame."

Hopefully they get a better reality TV show next year that isn't so boring. Like one about Dale Thomas. Or about me. It could be a show where I have to run around Australia. And the cameras follow me 24/7. Actually I'd probably be dead if I ran a metre. I can't run. I missed the running class in primary school. But ironically, I was there for the eating class the next day.

Has anyone seen that ad for Australian Idol? The one where they are singing a song. And the song goes like, "Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it, etc." I saw it. I don't really watch Australian Idol. The Monday night episodes are boring. It takes them an hour just to announce who is leaving. That's why I don't watch the Monday night episode. Sometimes the Sunday night episodes are really interesting if they pick a good song/genre. And yeah.

As Channel 10 have axed Big Brother, they should axe the Biggest Loser. I saw an ad for it a few days ago. They want couples for the next Biggest Loser show.

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