Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"THE WINNER OF BIG BROTHER 2008 IS... Oh wait, we've been axed. Bye everyone," says Kyle and Jackie O. Meanwhile Gretel Killeen is gloating.

Anyone watch Big Brother last night? The finale was on. And now Big Brother is OVER! *dies of happiness*
I didn't watch the end. I saw Ben get evicted and I threw a brick through the TV and left. Because I wanted Ben to win. He was the smart and good looking one. Well, he was more good looking than the guy with dreadlocks or the old woman.

Terri won. Which is kinda good because if the dreadlock guy won, I'd smash my TV into a million pieces. And then I'd smash Kyle up too. And the other Big Brother housemates.

Now that Big Brother has been axed, they should bring another reality TV show onto Channel 10. Preferably something like The Mole. Or The Amazing Race. And it has to be on at a good time slot.

They should just put The Mole on. The host will be Natalie Bassingthwaite (I can spell!) or Andrew Gee or Peter Helliar. That would be fawesome. Pete would make a great host. X]

Carrie Bickmore would make a better host though. She's be like, "Hi, I'm Carrie Bickmore and don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me." Hehe, Carrie is awesome. Apparently there is a book called Carrie by Stephen King. I'm reading Rita Hayworth And The Shawshank Redemption at the moment. I'm halfway through it!

There is also a Stephen King book called The Shining. Reminds me of THE SHINNING. Go up to people and say to them, "You've got the shinning" in a scary voice. Go on, I dare you.

Why so serious? Oh sorry, I'm just showing my love for the Joker. Heath Ledger is cool. I miss him. *wipes away tear*

Anyway, I'm in the Nike Challenge. On the sheet, it says that you can't run more than 10 km a day. And I'm like, "Dammit. That's just what I wanted to do... cough."

Big Brother is now officially over! *celebrates* It is brilliant news. Best thing since sliced bread. And I shall keep telling you because you need to know.

You also need to know that TWILIGHT IS COMING TO A CINEMA NEAR YOU ON DECEMBER 12TH! *dies*
Edward and Bella are fawesome. They should get married. =]

See ya soon, everyone. Don't miss me too much. X]

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