Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I learn stuff from Fantales...

Did you know that David Jones was a band member in the Monkees?

Well, he was. And David Bowie used to be David Jones but he didn't want people to confuse him with the Monkees guy. =]

Dale Thomas is in South Africaa...
With Dean Gey-er...

Well, Dale IS in South Africa. I don't know about Dean... It just rhymed. Sort of.
I find rhyming stuff so amusing. Fun.
I made up more lines to the song 'cept it doesn't rhyme. But I'll show thee anyway.

Dale Thomas is in South Africaa...
With Dean Gey-er...
Straightening their hair-air...
Painting each other's nailsss...

Yeah, I couldn't think of anything else.
Guess what? I'm going to school on Thursday. Year 11. Ew.
Everytime I say my subjects, people are like, "Eww!"
And I'm like, "I'm only doing two maths and two sciences and other things..."
And then their breakfast comes up when I mention 'maths'...
Well, not really. But still.

Are you for serial?
No, I'm for toast.

^^^-- My breakfast rant. X]
It is cool. 'Serial' is a mix between 'serious' and 'real'... I had to explain that, just in case you are living in a hole..
Anyway, if I had to choose a colour to go on my hair, I'd NOT choose 'chocolate'... Because then I might eat my hair. Mmm.. Chocolate... =]
I'd choose.. Um... Blonde. To match my mental status. Tee hee.

That's one doodle that can't be undid, homeskillet.

What does 'homeskillet' mean? *Pulls out a dictionary*

Homeskillet- noun - A really close friend closer then your buddy or friend. Homies, cool people.

Oh yeah. What's cracking, homeskillet? Lol, me and Dale are homeskillets.
Sorry, people. I got carried away.

You know what? It is quite easy to get your face in the Herald Sun for weeks and weeks...
Okay. Step-by-step guidelines.
1. Organise a date when your parents are away.
2. Invite all your friends around that day
3. Make sure there is lots of alcohol. (You don't want to run out.)
4. Go down to the pub and invite all those people.
5. Go down to Narre Warren, Victoria. (So many scums down there.)
6. Invite Corey and his mates.
7. Make sure your guests trash your house. (That's why you need alcohol so people get drunk.)

Only SEVEN steps! Simple.
Just comment this post (and leave your name) and I'll look out for you in the newspaper.
Hee Hee...


Anonymous said...

Dude, it's not "Are you for serial?" it's "Honest to blog?" :D
Like what Leah said in Juno.

Laura said...

No. It is 'Are you for serial?"

Cos then you can either say, "No, I'm legit."

Or "No, I'm for a sausage and egg mcmuffin."

Anonymous said...

Honest to blog, dude. It's honest to blog.

Oh, and that Corey dude can crash my party anytime! ;D wink wink nudge nudge.

Laura said...

What about Blog to Honest? Does that work?

Okay, fine. It is honest to blog. Humph.