Friday, May 9, 2008


Hello, I just did my Maths homework. And Biology homework. I feel so proud. X]

In Biology, we are learning about DISEASE! And immunity and stuff. I feel like I'm talking about Survivor or something. "This person got immunity this week and they are safe from tribal council."

Oh dear. I have resorted into a babble of Jeff-Probst-language.

Anyway, my point is that solving cubic functions may seem easy but there is so much work to do to get the answer. And I don't like matrices. They may seem easy but they aren't my friends and will never be.

Okay, I'll stop talking about maths. I watched Moulin Rouge in English today. It was about women's experiences so we watched it. When the Elephant Love Medley came on, we were all singing along. I love that song. The first time I heard it (in Grade 4), my friend was like, "Do you like this song?" And I'm like, "It's alright..." And then a week later, I heard the song again and my friend was like, "Do you like this song?" And I'm like, "Yeah. It's pretty good." And when I got home, I put on my CD with the Elephant Love Medley on it. And there was another song on the CD and I was like, "OMG! I used to love this song when I was in grade 4/grade 5."

I post the video on here and you can all indulge.

I can't post the freaking video on this post because the stupid embedding got disabled. So, I posted the link instead. =]

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